UMur Margareth Pada Hari Ini


Before I Went To Exam

Haaa ~ Aku nie jenis yang GEDIK bergambar . Erkkk ~ Gedik sangat ke ? Na'ah . Saja nak buat ayat noty sikit . Hahaha ~ Aku ni pantang pegang Camera . Really addict to Camera . Anywhere . Everywhere . Snipsnapsnop . Snipsnapsnop . After then , making some editing . Then upload the picture to facebook . Hahhaaha ~ Memang dah lumrah hidup manusia . Cea .. Wehehe ~ 

Ni before turun exam pagi tadi pun sempat nak bergambar . Alahai . Patut pun handphone aku rosak . Jemu dah tengok aku asyik nak bergambar je . Kuikuikuikui .. ;))

Nie member aku - Nor Hafidah bte Hassan a.k.a Pida ;)
Ni pula Nurul Atikah Saleh a.k.a Ieka ;)

Haaaa . Sorank lagi tertinggal . Jadi jurukamera - Nurul Syuhada bte Sibangi . Kuikui . Takpe . Nanti2 adalah picture Syue yer . ;) 


FreedOm !

That's true .. ;)

Wehooo ! Examination is finally over ! Yeehahaa ~ Feel free now . But I'm still bored because I don't know what should I do . Never mind . Last paper - ACCOUNT . Quite difficult even though before this I did took this subject in school . But most of all of the question is harder than what did I learned before . But ! I'm satisfied with my answer . No regretful . ;)

Im Free ! Im Free ! Im Free ~ Hehehhe ~ 

See my happy face ? Yeahh ! \m/