UMur Margareth Pada Hari Ini


Sakitnya , Hanya Tuhan Saja Yang Tahu

Margareth Tengah PotPetPotPet  Dengarlah rintihan aku yer ... :P

Hoo ~ Aku tak henti-henti posting pasal feeling ni kan ? Menyampah tak ? Hak3 ! Nak buat macam mane ... Now , just kat blog aku je lah aku luahkan perasaan aku ni . Oke :) Law rase menyampah sangat nak bace , so tak yah lah bace . Aku tak suruh pun . Just ignoring it oke . Fine =.= . Maafkan  . Now mase aku nak post entry ni , mood aku tak berapa baik sangat . Hormon aku entah berkeliaran pergi ke mane entah . Hilang sekejap . Soriiii ... Not in a good mood actually .

Okes . Bila kita mencintai seseorang . Di mata kita hanya lah dia . Just only him right ? Yesh . That's the truth . Only him . Semua tentang dia indah-indah belaka . He's the best for us . He's the apple of my pie . He's the straw to my berry . He's my world . He's my angle . He's my everything ( Mase tu tengah hangat lagi cuz die layan ) . Now semua nya tak serupa bikin . Sakit . Kita yang mencintai ni lah yang terpaksa menanggung bebanan seberat itu . Macam-macamlah yang kita fikir kan . Oke . He's not for me . He's not loving me . He's maybe got someone that love him more than i am . Maybe I'm not good enough for him . What have I did until he treat me like this way ? Macam-macamlah . Seribu satu bercampur menjadi satu . Yup . Now that's what I feel . So despressed ! Kalaulah orang itu dapat tahu , mendengar dan mengerti apa yang aku alami sekarang . Kan bagus . Tapi mustahil . Manusia . Where got such kind of supernatural ? Lolss ~ Hurm .

Aku menunggu dengan sabar . Entah lah . Why . Macam perasaan aku terhadap Konrad dulu . Minat kat dia separuh mati . Then dia pula layan . Makin naya lah . Walaupun masa tu me and Kon just be a scandal jew . Tapi , honest . He's a good scandal at all . Haha ~ Ngek ! Mestilah .. Mulut manis macam Kon tu kan . Kuikui *sori Kon* . Dah putus tu . Lama gak aku sengsara . Almost 2 years tak dapat lupakan Kon . Serious . Tu lah aku heran . Naper kalau kita minat kat orang tu , perasaannya lebih kuat berbanding dengan perasaan kalau kita suka kat orang tu . Minat memang berbeza daripada suka . I think . And perkara tu , berulang lagi . Now not wif Kon , but wif someone else . Entahlah . Terlalu kuat kot . Daripada minat . Turn to sayang . Turn to Cinta . Yesh ! That's what I feel now . It's very strong . Huh ~ itu yang membuatkan aku "sakit" sekarang ni . :(

Dah tak mesra seperti dulu lagi dah . Entah . Di mana silapnya . Me or him . Both ? How should i noe . Aku tak tahu . got no reason for that . I want just pretend nothing happen . But can I ? Goshh ~ It's a hard task actually .

* " Do take care taw " . " Don't be so noty2 " . " Jalan leklok " . " Jage diri leklok " . Banyak lagi lah sweet words from him . I do miss all of that things . Feeling so empty now . :( Tak suke keadaan macam ni . Kan bagus kalau kita leh erase perkara-perkara yang kita tak suke . Macam word tu . We can erasing everything that we don't like . Just keep the thing that we like only . Kan bahagia . Huh ~

Sometimes I did think that .. Apa nak kesah kan . He's not totally mine . We're never ever declared . Batasan between me and him is Papa and Mama . That's all . Teman tapi mesra . Nothing more than that . But izit really like that ? Confuse . It's a damn confusing . Can't make me think properly . Hurm . Just feeling so empty without him . Thats all . Hope i can make my day and get thru into it . :(


  1. Sal cinta, ku nang x byk experience but just word of advice. Up to you samada ko mok mbik or x :)

    Bila hati dah cepat sayang, ya nok polah sakit salu. Be friends first, date and see how it goes. Don't cepat declare bf-gf or saying You're Mine, I'm Yours. Moving too fast wears the r'ship out.

    R/ship tanpa susah senang is not a r/ship but too much of susah is also not one. Pick a good choice walaupun hati sayang na ngan manusia ya. A good man will come one day, with God's will. Maybe now it's not the time but he's thr. Now laki nok salu polah susah2, sedih2 x layak la receive your attention, gerit. u're waaaay better than that. Jangan cepat fall in love. cepat fall in love, cepat juak fall out of it. that's bad. Sorry if I'm my advice is taking a wrong turn. Just out of a good heart telling you what I really feel. If you think it's not right, then just ignore it.


  2. lysa .. thanks for that advice .
    sik pernah declare kot me and him .
    just fwens . teman tapi mesra ony ...
    ku just admire kt nya jak dh .
    yah2 .
    yur rite actually .. tapi manusia nak . susah kali mok melupakan . ko pun tauk nak . kdak neyh rasa SAKIT yah . huhu .. but nvm . i'll be strong . mena kata kw yah . maybe now it's not the time . but he's there . :)
    thanks lysa . thanks ..
