UMur Margareth Pada Hari Ini


Little things mean a lot

True . A little things mean a lot . It's happen to anyone of us . Everyone are feel the same thing right ? No matter what had happened to us . It's really bring a lot of changes . Even though it's a small matter , but it's mean a lot . 

Same goes to me . Mardybum . Heh ~ Again and again . I do mention about him right .. Yah . Honestly . He'd changed me . Yelah , before this . Kalau kapel , surely aku akan pasang lebey . Hoho ~ Bukan jahat . Tapi . Entahlah . Tanya sama hati . Kalau kita dah sayang kat orang tu . We'll willing to do anything foe them right ? Kalau orang yang kita sayang sendiri buat jahat dengan kita . How's that ? I'm not a type a cruel person actually . But if someone that I really trust betrayed me , I'll changed into monster . Hahahaha *evil laugh* . No lah . Sometimes , I'll revenged . Pasang lah . Apa lagi . Haha ~ 

But since I know Mardybum . Entahlah . Aku jadi seorang yang setia . Ececeh . Bukan nak muji diri . Haha ~ That's the truth then . ;) He did changed me alot . Eventhough antara aku dan Mardybum BUKAN KAPEL . Aku sekadar ADMIRE kat Mardybum je . I'd expressed my feeling towards him . And .. He's POSITIVE . Hehe . From that moment . He'd treat my like , his GF . Bhaha .. Konon lah tek . Entahlah . My feeling just stick with him only . Yes , just him . Kalau laki lain nak ON RELATIONSHIP dengan aku , I'll reject them . Entah . Kuat sangat PERASAAN aku kat si Mardybum nieyh . Tu lah , kalau anything bad happen between us . I'll sad . Akan sedih yang teramat sangat . Terbawa2 lah perasaan tu . Manusia kan . We sometimes can't control our own feeling . Sayang sangat . Sori Mardybum kalau selama ni , I'm too pushing u . I love you so much . That the reason why . I'm heart you . 

Everytime kalau nama Mr.DOmo|Papa| pop out kat screen Hp , aku akan senyum sendiri . Tak payah tunggu nama tu pop out . Dengar je lagu yang sememangnya aku set as his message tone - Travie Mccoy (We'll Be Alright) . Pasti aku akan tersenyum . Bukan gilakk . Tapi senyum bahagia . Hahaha ~ Tak tahu nak cakap apa dah . He's my everything now . :)

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